Books + Other things...



Christian Formation

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Welcome to Chapter Fourteen, where we specialise in providing resources for Christian Formation and Contemplative Theology. We believe that faith is a journey that requires constant exploration and growth, and that reading is one of the best ways to deepen our understanding of God's love and grace.

Our selection of books reflects our commitment to a theology that is focused on a loving and inclusive God, who welcomes all people into a community of faith. Whether you are seeking to deepen your prayer life, understand the complexities of biblical interpretation, or explore the role of social justice in Christian discipleship, we have resources that can help.

We understand that there are many different perspectives and traditions within the Christian faith, and we strive to offer a diverse range of resources that reflect this richness and complexity. Our goal is to provide a welcoming and supportive environment where you can explore new ideas and deepen your understanding of God's love.

Thank you for choosing our online bookstore as your source for resources on Christian Formation and Contemplative Theology. We hope that our selection of books will help you on your journey of faith, and that you will find the inspiration and guidance that you need to continue growing in your relationship with God.